The Teşkilat series continues to take first place in the ratings with its successful story presentation and strong acting performances in its third season. With the influence of Murat Yıldırım, who participated in the series, and a very good partnership with Deniz Baysal, a new era began in the Teşkilat series. Interest in the series increased and this new era caused a surge of adrenaline.
The 56th episode of the Teşkilat series, which aired on Sunday evenings, will be screened on the evening of November 20, and very impressive scenes await the fans of the series. The steps Ömer and Zehra will take will cause an adrenaline rush. Especially the new episode, where Ömer is in danger of being deciphered, is full of scenes that will be followed with enthusiasm by the fans of the Teşkilat series.
‘Teşkilat’, broadcast on TRT 1, produced by TIMS&B Productions and produced by Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar, locks millions on the screen, comes to the screen with its fifty-sixth episode on Sunday, November 20.
The details of what will happen in the 56th episode of ‘The Organization’ are as follows: With Ömer’s move, the operation has to change shape. Carrying out his plan step by step, Hartley is about to reach his goal. Having no choice but to seize the ammunition, Ömer and Zehra put up a dangerous and relentless struggle against time in the field.
Omar, who draws Hartley’s suspicion, is forced to take a test where he will be dragged to the brink of being exposed. As a result of this exam, Hartley’s demand gives Ömer the shock of his life.
Efkar and Korkut’s move to end everything ignites the fuse of a great war. While the tension in the Organization is getting high and the ropes are tense, Zehra’s pursuit of the person who deciphered the team will lead to big changes!
‘Teşkilat’ is on TRT 1 with its new episode on Sunday evening.
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