We will share with you the lyrics of the Koçak commercial Hadise song. An agreement has been reached with Hadise for the advertising face of the Koçak Diamond brand. Our successful singer Hadise Koçak sang a song for Diamond’s commercial. The viewers were also curious about the song and lyrics of Hadise in the new Koçak commercial. That’s why we researched it. We will share with you the lyrics of the new Koçak commercial Hadise’s song.
Koçak Ad Hadise’s Song
Our successful song Hadise has signed an agreement with the Koçak Diamond brand. Hadise Koçak is in the new commercial of the brand. Hadise sang a song for the new commercial of the Koçak brand. The audience also wondered about this song and its lyrics. That’s why we researched it. Therefore, we will share with you the lyrics of the song Hadise sang in the Koçak Diamond commercial.
Kocak Ad Hadise Song Lyrics
It looks different, carries another, burns another, stands another.
Another floats, another crashes
If Koçaksa is different..
Ooooo… Another
Other than Koçak
another another another
Other than Koçak
We shared the lyrics of the Koçak commercial Hadise’s song with you. You can also let us know what you wonder about the subject in the comment section below.